VLog8 Cases: Judge order to release Imran Khan? | Will Nawaz Sharif be arrested after landing? Anabia1 year ago01 mins 8 Cases: Judge order to release Imran Khan? | Will Nawaz Sharif be arrested after landing? Post navigation Previous: Saudi MBS discusses with Iranian President Israel’s War against Hamas? What will Egypt do?Next: Breaking News: Israel’s Air Strikes On Damascus and Halb airport
Khan healthy mafia worried | Generals explode after firing | Islamabad massacre, officers’ testimony comes Anabia2 hours ago 0
Imran Khan angry on what happened in D-Chowk | CCTV Footage | Imran Riaz Khan VLOG Anabia13 hours ago 0
Even in a single tragedy,if someone responsible was punished, Pakistan spared from further tragedies Anjum Majeed2 days ago 0