VLogFawad Chaudhary’s tears and Sheikh Rasheed Rabia Mir2 years ago01 mins Fawad Chaudhary’s tears and Sheikh Rasheed | NEUTRAL BY JAVED CHAUDHRY Post navigation Previous: بریکنگ نیوز،عمران خان کانیا سرپرائز تیار؟ | شیخ رشیدکودھکا کس نےدیا،قتل کاپلان؟Next: Global organizations distrust the government ,Imran Khan asked for a guarantee. IMF demanded transparent elections
Imran Khan’s big message: Get out or leave PTI! Why is America making a new mess with Russia? Rabia Mir10 hours ago 0
Who carried out porn attack on the Pakistani ambassador to the US? Why have Muslims lagged behind the West? Anabia1 day ago 0
Pakistani Ambassador to Washington: Dirty movie leaked during meeting | Ambassador’s wife also did a big act Anabia1 day ago 0